Any type of business needs to have a proper and effective strategy in order to continuously grow your market. Especially if you have a business website, one of the essential components for your marketing campaign is the use of call to action elements for your site.

A call to action (CTA) helps guide your visitors to do a specific action and eventually increase the chance conversion or sale. This can be in a form of an image, line of text or button that prompts visitors to either do an action, which is mostly by clicking or signing up to a specific service. You have to pick which call to action method fits best to your marketing strategy, as different CTA’s serves different purposes.

Here are 4 types of call to action elements to boost your website conversions.

1. Lead Generation

Lead generation CTA helps drive and increase the number of leads you can get from your website. Through the right usage of lead generation CTA elements, you should be able to help attract more prospects and eventually improve conversion rate.

Lead Generation Call To Action Element - Aston Social Digital Marketing Melbourne

Where can I use CTA for lead generation?

  • Registration forms

  • Contact forms

  • Newsletter sign up forms

  • Booking / Appointment forms

  • Quotation forms

Lead generation through CTA always drives success and expands your market. Make sure you use the right combination of call to action elements along with your message to have a higher chance of sales.

2. E-commerce

If you are running an E-commerce website for your business, then it is best to use multiple CTA elements that are associated with the product or services that you sell and offer. You can

Product and Service Showcasing CTA - Aston Social Digital Marketing Melbourne

Where can I use CTA for my E-commerce website?

  • Make sure to always include an “Add to Cart” button for every product item on your website

  • Modal pop-up boxes containing coupon codes for your products

  • Flash sale or limited time promotions

  • During the checkout page of your e-commerce website, add an upsell button associated with other products you would like to promote

  • Add a sidebar or info bar on your e-commerce website promoting certain products or services

Adding a clear and concise call to action to your e-commerce website increases the conversion rate greatly. Make sure to define your action properly and avoid misleading phrases for your CTA.

3. Social Sharing

It’s a fact that social media is one of the biggest contributors of traffic online, and having CTA elements that points to your social media channels not only increases traffic, but also conversion rate for both your website and social media channels at the same time.

This can be in the form of adding share buttons after an article, or even adding a “follow” or “like” button, within your website.

Social Media Sharing CTA - Aston Social Digital Marketing Melbourne

Where can I use CTA for social sharing?

  • Add a social media share button under your website’s blog articles

  • Add a social media share button under each product item of your E-commerce website

  • Adding a Facebook like button of your business’ page on your website pages

A social media CTA helps in prompting your readers and viewers to take action on your website and social media channels, while keeping you engaged with your audience even offsite.

4. Read More / Learn More button

Anywhere you want to place a content on your website, you make sure that you want to save space for other areas you’d like to add a content for. Cropping content sections on your website means it should always include a button where visitors can continue reading the full content, mostly if it’s an article from your website’s blog. This is where the CTA for buttons such as “read more” or “learn more” comes in. This helps guide the visitor to view an individual page dedicated for the specific topic or article.

CTA Elements to Boost Website Conversion - Aston Social Digital Marketing Melbourne

Where can I use read more / learn more CTA elements?

  • Add a “read more” button for your article snippets so customers will be driven to read the full article and increase your website’s traffic and page view count

  • Add a “learn more” button if you want to redirect the customer to the full page containing information about your business product or services

  • If your website has a gallery page that contains archives of photos, you can insert a “view more” button within your snippet content so customers will be redirected to the main gallery page

You can also use different catch phrase such as “continue reading”, “watch our videos”, or “read our story”. It depends and all comes down on how you would like your visitors to engage with you website.

Find our more how Aston Social can help you in building an effective marketing strategy for your business! Contact us today.