Every business with an online presence or that promotes online, has probably heard of Search Engine Optimisation or SEO. Sometimes, we call this the SEOO because even SEO should be optimized for clients.

Okay, so enough about us.  Here at Aston Social, we have created a short article to help business owners find out what SEO is and what it is all about.  We also included some tips that we have found useful through the years.

What is Search Engine Optimisation all about?

SEO is all about authenticity, this is how simple we can describe it. There was once a time when it was okay for people to copy another person’s work and pass it on as his own.  We all know this as plagiarism but that is no longer the case.

With SEO-optimisation (yes, optimisation is done twice), the business would create authentic and new content that makes them an authority on the topic that they are targeting. In a way, search engines value originality above anything else. Why?  We believe that it is because if the business cannot even create their own content and make them unique for their clients, what can the business do that others cannot?

SEO made the phrase “Content is king.”  We always repeat this phrase but we really think that it is because that is the core of the online market.

Why do I need SEO in my life?

You need SEO because you want your clients to know who you are, what you do.  You want to be the authority on your field.  

“Google it!” Have you heard of this phrase?  Imagine, if your product is a cleaning service and someone is looking for a cleaning service in your area.  Where do they do? To a search engine like Google and this is where they search for their needs.

So, what if the client could not find you?  What if they need you but Google says you do not exist? You lose an account. It is that simple.

Okay. So I want to use SEO now, how do I do it?

The answer is two-fold: one, you create good content for your clients and two, you market that client based on the already defined SEO techniques. When you have content that stands out and you have content that follows all of the SEO rules, there is no way that you would lose another account ever again.

How do I get started?

  • The first thing that you do is to find the right keywords.
  • Next step is to create relevant content.
  • Then you need to post your content on social media and all channels that you control.  Post on your blog and on your social media accounts. Do
  • Put in the right keywords.
  • Maximize tags and make sure that you have all that is required by the platforms.
  • Do not forget to post about your content as well.

These are the initial steps that a person must take in order to get his business across the market.

Do you need some help implementing the above strategies and more to increase your website’s Search Engine Optimisation? Aston Social can help you! Contact us today and we will help you get started.  We do SEO-optimisation and everything else in between!