Some of our clients have asked us why bloggers seem to have it all – they wake up, blog, get free items, make money, and travel.  We knew what the answer was and we knew that if we are to get out clients in a place where they would be the ones who would live a good life, we need to explain to them what blogging is and how it can make a business thrive.

What is blogging?

Blogging is a personal way that professionals share their insights.  For us at Aston Social, we have categorised bloggers into three criteria:

  1. The video blogger – the most popular ones and the ones that make the biggest amount of paid marketing are the video bloggers.  So what they do is post and share their videos on YouTube and their market likes it. Their lives are not as easy as they sound as they are very specific to their brand and stick to what made them famous and that takes a lot work.
  2. The post blogger – also known as the writer.  This is the first kind of the blogger. Basically they have the same life as the video blogger only that they write about it and share pictures.
  3. The business blogger – this is where we come in.  The business blogger shares tips, and insights on businesses that give value to their readers.

Sometimes, all of these kinds of bloggers overlap but their power is of the same level. They give out the same vibe and almost always gets the same results.

For those who want to become bloggers, we recommend following these steps:

Step 1: Find your focus

Who are you?  What interests you?  What makes you who you are?  When you know the answer to these questions, you know where your blog is going and how you would market yourself.  Find your focus and make sure that it is what really ignites the passion inside of you.

Step 2: Discover your content marketing platform

To be honest with you, content marketing platform is just a term made to denote the platform that you are going to use.  

For beginners, there are platforms that are free and still works well.  They are user friendly and for better performance, you can always just get a premium account.

Platforms like WordPress are always a good place to start blogging then when you have already made some money out of your blogs, you can always expand.

As a guide, here are some questions we found online that would help you choose the right platform for your blog.

  • Can you afford a premium account?
  • Can you link your social media to the platform?
  • What is the success rate of the platform?
  • Is the platform user friendly?

You need to check each and every single one of these questions off to find the perfect platform for you.

Step 3: Do your research

Always research before diving.  Always test the waters. You should research on what interests you and check out if what interests you actually makes sense or has a market to begin with.  

We can also help you with your initial research because we really like researching as well.

Step 4: Start off strong and make daily posts

If you want the pie, you have to put in the work and bake it.  Start off strong and make the readers hooked on you. Post daily and post as much as you can without giving out the quality, of course.

Once you have the audience hooked, all you need to do now is to maintain.

But what if you do not have time to make all the necessary nitty gritty of the posts?  What if all you want to do is post?

Well, we can help you with that.

Aston Social can bring your brand to a different level. We can help you from start to finish and we can also maintain your blog and social media as well so all you need to do is to blog and share your content and we can do the rest of the work. Contact us today to help you get started.